This has seriously been something Matt and I have always wanted to do! Ideally we would love to move and start our own little homestead and have tons of chickens, a cow, a goat! But right now that’s just not an option. So hopefully getting theses little chick’s will hold us over! HOPEFULLY!! haha!
One day Matt and I were just sitting in the kitchen talking about how we would love to have chickens and started talking about coops and Matt goes “We could turn the little playhouse into a coop.” I looked at him and was like OMG that’s an amazing idea! Lets do it! One thing about me is once I have a vision or idea in my head, we have to do it! haha! I’m also the most impatient person in the WORLD! 😀
Matt started working on the coop and had to do a lot of restructuring and taking stuff out. It’s coming along! I’ll share the process of redoing it in a different post and youtube video. I’ve been documenting it all!
We figured we better get the little chickies soon since they’ll have to be in a brooder inside until their about six weeks old! So Matt has about 4/5 weeks to get this coop done! lol
We literally drove to SEVERAL different farm and home stores looking at their chicks, researching what breed we wanted and what breed would be best for kids to be around. Both Law and Holden have LOVED being around the chick! We knew we wanted and Easter Egger to hopefully get bluish color eggs. The other breeds we went with lay brown eggs but their breed is known for being calm and good around kids.
The chicks are about 2 weeks old right now and have been doing really good! Matt’s been working hard on the coop and I’ll share and update on that next!