Holdens Birth Story-June 11th 2018
In honor of my sweet boy turning four in just a couple weeks I decided to share my labor and delivery with Holden from my old blog.
Labor and delivery with Holden was pretty easy for the most part. I definitely felt way more pain this time around than I did with Lawsynn. I scheduled an induction with my doctor for Monday June 11th. We got to the hospital around 11, got checked in and did the paperwork. We waited a while to get called in at my mother in laws house. We said our goodbyes to Lawsie girl! I didn’t get Pitocin till around 1:30. By that point I was already 3 Centimeters and 75% effaced. At about 4 the contractions were becoming pretty painful/uncomfortable.
I didn’t really want to feel the worst of it so I asked for my epidural. Hahah! My delivery with Lawsynn I had a terrible time with the epidural. It hurt soo freaken bad! So I was pretty scared for this epidural too. I made sure to tell them about my last experience with Lawsynn. But this time around it also really hurt. It didn’t take nearly as long as it did with Lawsynn though. Matt stood in front of me and held my hands. I just cried and cried until it was over. My whole body was just shivering. Once it was in right spot I was feeling a lot better. At around 4:30 they broke my water. At that point I was almost 4 Centimeters. I swear her breaking my water just moved me into full labor. By 6:30 I was feeling really really tired and feeling pressure. She checked me and I was 8 Centimeters. About 5-10 minutes later I was feeling even more pressure so she checked me again and I was 9 Centimeters. I was feeling so much pressure with each contraction. The pain was definitely intense.
My nurse went to go call my doctor and started getting stuff set up. I’ve had the same doctor since Jordan delivered Noah. She wasn’t able to deliver Lawsynn so I’m super happy she got to be the one to deliver our baby boy! I started pushing around 7:11 and he was out in this world after 12 minutes! Our little Holden James was born at 7:23 weighing 7 pounds 7 oz and 19 inches and 3/4’s. It kind of makes me super sad with how fast everything went. With Lawsynn I felt like it lasted forever. I was in labor for 14 hours with Law and pushed for 45 minutes. Really that’s not that bad for your first time. Makes me so sad its all over with! I don’t know why there’s just something amazing about experiencing labor and delivery! I would do it all over again in a heart beat! Here’s some photos from that day!:)