I honestly didn’t know if I’d push the publish button on this or not. It feels so personal and hard to share. I try to be an open book but when you’re not sure why something is happening, its hard. But the part of me feels embarrassed for some reason. Idk why.
We have been trying and this time around it just seems so much harder than it was before. Maybe it’s because I’m 30 instead of 22 and 25?
I had been feeling very bloated for the past couple days and my boobs felt so sore. I ordered some test on Amazon and waited for them. I went to the Magic House with my grandma and the kids. I just kept having this feeling I was pregnant. I’m very in tune with my body and when I ovulate. I’d been texting Jordan all day and told her i know I’m pregnant. I just know it.
We got home and the test were there waiting! I hurried and took one and saw the two lines and just wanted to cry! It was finally happening! I couldn’t wait to tell Matt!
Getting pregnant with Lawsynn took about ten months. With Holden it happened the month we decided to try. This time around we’ve been trying since January. So not to long but I’d thought it would have happened by now.
As soon as I saw the positive I FaceTimed jordan! We were both freaking out and excited! Matt was gonna be home soon and I wanted to get a different brand just to be sure! Once he got home, I told him I had to run up to Walgreens to get some makeup. I picked up a first response and a digital test. I hurried home and took those! And two lines appeared again and a positive digital test! I couldn’t wait to tell him!
I had this onesie I made back in January when we started trying. I wrapped the digital test in it and told him I ordered him something. He looked shocked and happy at the same time.
We were both so excited! Talking about the changes that would be coming. Talking about moving! Am I going to go natural this time. All the things that come with adding another little human to your clan.
I called my doctors office right away to make sure I got an appointment.
A few days later I started bleeding. I took another test and the line was barely there. I called my doctors office and they sent me to get blood work done. My hcg was 5 and my progesterone was 0.5 which is very low.
The doctors office called and let me know I had an early miscarriage. We talked about what we will do. I still kept my appointment to get an exam and so we can talk more about why my progesterone is low. They said two things can happen. One- as soon as I get pregnant again I’ll get blood work the same day and if my progesterone is still low they’ll give me something to raise it so I don’t lose the pregnancy again. Or two- they’ll put me on progesterone before I get pregnant. Now we just wait and hope for the best. I’m going to do natural ways to increase my progesterone until my doctors appointment. If there’s something you did that helped I’m all ears!♥️